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About the Texas UIL PML Project

This project began with the Texas University Interscholastic League Prescribed Music List. Our original system of categorization is based on the TX UIL PML, and consists of four pedagogical categories each for class 3 and class 2 solos, and five pedagogical categories for class 1 solos.
Since expanding our research to include every state's list, we decided to revamp our pedagogical categories to become more generic (our new categories can be found here).
HOWEVER, we still find a great value in the classification system we developed especially for the Texas list. For our fellow Texans, we have included our Texas UIL PML categories with the pedagogical analyses.
Texas UIL PML Guidelines
Anchor 1
Categories | Range | Cross Over Break? | Key | Meter | Rhythm | Ornamentation | Special Considerations |
3D | G3-Bflat4 | No or simple | 0-1 sharps, 0-1 flats | simple meter | simple rhythms | None | None |
3C | E3-Bflat4 OR B4-C6 | No or simple | 0-2 sharps, 0-2 flats | simple meter | simple rhtyhms | None | None |
3B | E3-C6 | Yes | 0-3 sharps, 0-3 flats | simple & compound | simple rhythms | Single grace notes, 1-2 trills | None |
3A | E3-E6 | Yes | 0-4 sharps, 0-4 flats | simple & compound | intermediate rhythms | multiple grace notes, few trills | Leap distance, articulations |
2D | up to D6 or Eb6 | Yes | 0-4 sharps, 0-4 flats | simple & compound | simple rhythms | trills and grace notes | None |
2C | up to E6 | Yes | 0-4 sharps, 0-4 flats | simple & compound | intermediate rhythms | trills, grace notes, simple turns and mordents | None |
2B | up to F6 | Yes | All | simple & compound | intermediate rhythms | ornamentation may cross break | None |
2A | up to Ab6 or A6 | Yes | All | simple & compound | advanced rhythms | All ornaments with advanced skills, i.e. quick tempos, crossing from clarion to altissimo, etc. | Difficulty fitting the accompaniment part with the solo part. |
1E | up to F6 | Yes | All | simple & compound | simple rhythms | Simple ornamentation (trills and grace notes) | None |
1D | up to G6 | Yes | All | simple & compound | intermediate rhythms | Mostly simple ornamentation with addition of turns and mordents | None |
1C | up to G6 | Yes | All | simple & compound | intermediate rhythms | All ornamentation | Length |
1B | extended range (above G6) | Yes | All | simple, compound & asymmetric | advanced rhythms | All ornamentation | Technical difficulty and length |
1A | extended range (above G6) | Yes | All | simple, compound & asymmetric | advanced rhythms | All ornamentation including extended techniques | Extended techniques, technical difficulty, and length |
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